In North Carolina, over 15% of the population doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from. Greensboro Urban Ministry offers free meals daily and gives out emergency groceries four days a week. The Potter’s House Community Kitchen provides a hot, nutritious lunch every day, including holidays. In addition to the community lunch, Potter’s house also provides breakfast and dinner to guests staying in the Weaver House shelter. We welcome anyone who needs a meal, regardless of the person’s circumstances.
The Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Pantry has provided food for people at risk of hunger in Guilford County for over 30 years. Community food drives throughout the year help stock the shelves. GUM also receives weekly donations from a variety of local grocery stores. The pantry supports low-income individuals' nutritional needs by providing wholesome food to supplement their diet while helping to stretch their food dollars.
The Food Pantry hours are 9:00am-2:00 pm, Monday - Friday. Guests can come to the Food Pantry once every seven days.

A variety of services are available to single adults or families experiencing a housing crisis. Weaver House provides emergency shelter to single men and women. During winter months, more beds are provided to keep people out of the frigid cold through partnerships with other agencies. The Pathways Center provides temporary shelter to families. Each family has a private living space, which includes beds, a kitchenette, and a bathroom. Families staying at Pathways share a lounge, TV room, computer lab, laundry room, meditation room, and outdoor playground.
Long-term housing assistance is provided through Partnership Village, a transitional housing community for individuals and families rebuilding self-sufficiency after experiencing homelessness. Partnership Village offers adults and children a warm and safe community where they participate in a wide range of services that strengthen the whole family and achieve long-term stable housing and financial independence.

Guilford County residents that are facing financial hardship may be eligible for emergency financial assistance with utilities or rent payments. Payments are made directly to the provider once a final notice or notice of eviction is issued. Each case is evaluated and customers with the most urgent needs are given priority.
GUM provides additional supportive services through case management. Case management refers to a collaborative and planned approach to ensuring that a family or person who experiences homelessness gets the services and supports needed to move forward with their lives. Case management tools are used more broadly to encourage anyone who has experienced homelessness to overcome challenges. It is a comprehensive and strategic form of service provision whereby a case manager assesses the needs of the individual or family and, where appropriate, arranges, coordinates, and advocates for delivery and access to a range of programs and services designed to meet the individual’s needs. The Spiritual Care & Connections department offers a ministry of presence and support to any GUM client in need of a listening ear. The staff and volunteers conduct support groups for men and women, and meet with guests one-on-one for counseling and encouragement.