Potter's House Community Kitchen provides a hot, nutritious, well-balanced lunch every day, including holidays. Community kitchen guests come from all over the city, and for many of them, this may be the only meal they will eat that day. We have an open-door policy - everyone is welcome, without question or qualification.
The community lunch begins promptly at 10:30 am. By 12:30 the last of the guests have received their meal. More than 400 guests will be fed during the community lunch hour.
In addition to the community lunch, 100 guests staying in GUM's Weaver House shelter receive breakfast and dinner in Potter's House. These two meals are frequently sponsored by the church and civic groups that have been coming out weekly for 15 years or more. Work in the kitchen starts bright and early at 6 a.m. when volunteers arrive to prepare breakfast. Immediately after everything is cleaned up from the breakfast meal, another shift of volunteers starts the preparation of lunch.
Potter's House helps in more ways than offering food. In addition to a good meal, we also provide a place where our guests can experience positive human connections. The material reality of homelessness is hard, and it is compounded by the feelings of invisibility. Giving people a place to belong and speak with others can make them feel seen and valued. Daily our Potter's House staff and volunteers promote the dignity and well-being of our guests through kind words and compassionate service.
Darrell Campbell is the director of Potter's House Community Kitchen. He can be reached by calling (336) 271-5959 ext. 363.