Meal Crew at Potters House Kitchen
Potter's House Community Kitchen serves three meals a day to residents of the Weaver House adult shelter. During lunch, anyone from the community who is hungry is welcome to come and dine between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. As many as four hundred guests join us for lunch each day.
Volunteers work with staff to help prepare, serve and clean up after the meals. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the hospitality we extend to community members facing food insecurity. There is a wide variety of tasks to be completed in the dining hall and kitchen for each meal served in Potter's House. The first meal was served out of Potter's House in the early 1980s and some of the volunteers that helped feed the community over thirty years ago are still active today!
GUM's reception area has just been remodeled and we are in need of friendly volunteers to help staff our reception desk.
We want every guest that walks into our door to receive a welcoming, warm reception. This opportunity involves greeting those who are coming to GUM for assistance, directing callers to the appropriate staff person, completing light clerical work, and supporting the staff of the Emergency Assistance Program. Volunteers are needed for morning and afternoon shifts each weekday.
Food Pantry Receiving or Sorting
All food donated to the GUM food pantry is received through our warehouse. Substantial amounts of food arrive daily. The food must be sorted and organized according to food type. Volunteers help to check food expiration dates, repackage bulk items into smaller containers, and complete any other tasks needed to get food ready for distribution through the pantry.
Volunteers are needed Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in 3-4 hour shifts.
This is a volunteer opportunity for individuals or for a group of up to 10 people.
Choice Food Pantry
The GUM Client Choice Food Pantry distributes food Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. The food pantry depends on volunteers to operate each day the pantry is open. The pantry would cease to operate without volunteers as there simply is not enough staff to complete all of the needed tasks. The Choice Pantry has opportunities for individual volunteers (18 and over). Volunteer roles include entry door greeter, pantry sign-in, shopping assistant, floater, shelf stocker, check out and help with fresh produce. Typically, 150 to 200 households request assistance with food each day the food pantry is open. We are especially grateful for volunteers who commit to a 3-4 hour shift one day each week.
Emergency Assistance Program Interviewer Intake Assistant
GUM's Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) offers clients financial relief and the opportunity to remain self-sufficient when they encounter a crisis. EAP volunteers help staff by assessing the need for financial assistance, assisting applicants with budgeting, conduct research and documentation on GUM computers, and more. If you are a compassionate individual with strong communication or financial skills that is good with all types of people then this role may be for you. Volunteers work 3 to 4 hours per shift.
Stephen Minister Program
Stephen Ministers are people of faith trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Stephen Ministers go through a training program that equips participants with essential caring and relating skills. Trainees learn how to listen to, care for, and walk with those who are in crisis and come to Urban Ministry for assistance.
Event Support
Volunteering at a special event is an easy way to get involved as a volunteer. Great for groups and individuals with full-time jobs as several events are held in the evening or on the weekend! volunteers help with event preparation as well as support during the various events. There are several opportunities throughout the year. Check out the events section to find out more about the type of events you can support.
Pathways Family Center
Up to 16 families reside at the Pathways Center. Pathways is another good option for individuals or groups that work full-time as most volunteers help in the evenings and on weekends. Some examples of volunteer opportunities are preparing and serving a meal to residents, planning and leading children's activities, throwing a birthday party or holiday celebration and much more!
Pathways Family Center has opportunities for groups to provide and serve meals. Whether you're a group of friends, coworkers or a community organization, your time and effort can bring smiles and relief to our families in need. A warm meal not only provides nourishment but also brings comfort, hope and a sense of community to families facing difficult times. If you would like to gather your team and make a meal to serve our residents, please contact Mary O'Neill, Pathways Center at 336.271.5988 ext. 129.
Partnership Village
Partnership Village serves 68 households and provides transitional housing for people who have experienced homelessness. The community is located in north Greensboro on a lovely parcel of land, complete with a community center. Volunteers help in a variety of ways including tutoring assistance, leading a special volunteer project or celebration, and conducting donation drives. The program director can work with individuals or groups to determine what type of activity is best for you.
Greensboro Urban Ministry is open every day of the year.
Volunteers are needed all year round for us to succeed at what we do.
The first step to volunteer is to complete our online volunteer information form. Once your form has been received, our Director of Volunteer Services will contact you.
Gail Gore-Lewis, Director of Volunteer Services
336.271.5959 ext. 305