Friday, April 4 & Saturday, April 5
Spring Food Drive
Two times a year the community has an opportunity to support the Food Pantry & help fight hunger locally. Come out and shop on Friday, April 4 & Saturday, April 5, and help fight hunger locally! The Food Drive will take place at grocery stores across Guilford County.
About the Food Drives: Every spring and fall, grocery stores across Guilford County team up with Greensboro Urban Ministry to help fight hunger. Our partner stores place signs and collection boxes near the front entrance, and volunteers sign up to be on hand to collect donations for shoppers as they leave. These food drives help to stock the shelves of the GUM Food Pantry, which distributes groceries to hundreds of local households each month.
In addition to these two food drives, community members host annual food drives that support our Food Pantry. Corporations, faith groups, schools, and neighborhoods join together to collect pounds of non-perishable items that go out to hungry neighbors in need.
You can organize your own food drive in your neighborhood, place of worship, school, or workplace. Food Drives held by community members help stock our shelves throughout the year. If you would like to know more, check out our Food Drive kit by clicking below!